Clothing bank

A roof over your head, an apartment with at least basic furniture and equipment, adequate nutrition and appropriate clothing, these are the essential requirements of refugees and asylum seekers in Germany and represent the minimum standard. All people housed in our community enjoy this standard. The employees of the administration and government agencies are undoubtedly doing their very best in this regard.

The journey from basic equipment to being fully equipped may be a long road. Let us just reflect upon our own wardrobe requirements for a moment.

If you consider the usual circumstances of the flight, you can imagine that one or another piece of clothing, shoes and clothes for regular changing and so on are definitely missing.

With the in March 2016 completed room of clothes on the premises of Gloria company, located in Diestedder Street 39 in Wadersloh (from direction of the village the last building on the right hand side ), we have done a big step forward in order to handle these problems as well. From now on the refugees can choose clothes in the room for themselves, try them on before buying them against a not important amount. In addition to offering the adjoining opening hours, our volunteers are available for assistance during the distribution.

Currently, donated clothes are still being sorted and then certainly handed out as quickly as possible. Our storage capacities are used until further notice. Therefore there will be no call for donations yet.

At this point we will announce when clothing donations are requested again. For this we ask you to have some comprehension.

Opening hours of the clothing bank

Mondays 2 p.m. – 4 p.m.
Fridays 10.00 a.m. – 12.00 p.m.

On the premises of Gloria Diestedder Str. 39, Wadersloh

Contact persons

Alexandra Essel

Phone: 02523/2712

Maria Bouschery

Phone: 02523/7111